Specific features of forming of the valued orientations for student young people


Valentyna Dudenok
Ludmyla Lipich


The article examines the nature of values as a certain form of relationship to the world; the authors draw attention to the peculiarities of formation of value orientations of students and youth during the transformation of social structures. It is substantiated that assertion of universal values is possible on condition of formation of personality with a certain level of self-determination and inner freedom. It is emphasized that in todays society there are significant dynamic processes, the main feature of which is not only aggravation of social differentiations but also deepening of dispositions in the system of experiences that accompany students and youth. The main features that are distinguished among young people by students are: social activity, cohesion, professional orientation, search for the meaning of life and assimilation of new ideas, needed for progressive social changes. Attention is drawn to the change of priorities of students and youth in the education sector. The authors concluded that education today takes on double and new meaning: it is the way to achieve economic success and the tool access to new forms of life and standards.




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