Approaches to classifying of corporate culture types
The article deals with the research of approaches to classifying corporate culture types in the space of the society. The current state of corporate management development which led to the introduction of the term «cultural corporate space» proves the topicality of the research. The author of the article describes the criteria which help to distinguish the leading tendencies of the activities of different companies. The features and parameters which help to analyze company’s corporate culture profile have been outlined. The author of the article focuses on the characteristics of the most wide-spread types of corporate cultures named after their inventors. The author makes a comparative analysis of various types. It helps to reveal the polyhedral nature of the phenomenon of corporate culture and to find approaches for understanding its essence and typology. Each type classifies the company culture depending on: the kind of activity, moral and psychological climate, interaction with the inner environment, gender peculiarities, the system of competing values, national peculiarities. The author makes the conclusion that corporate culture of the modern society is the means of realizing some theoretical background – corporate philosophy which serves as the basis for the ideology of communicative and productive activities of any modern economic entity.
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