The problem of values in modern conservatism
The paper is the study of the modern conservative ideology axiological side. The views of American and German neo-conservatives, French «new right» thinkers, as well as communitarians close to conservatism in some aspects are analyzed. It is asserted that modern conservatism like all political ideologies is based on definite values. The inference is made about specific character of these values which are intentionally concrete and appear to be the models for acting in accordance with them. The paper shows conservatives overcoming the axiological contradictions between individual and social, objective and subjective features of values. Conservative thinkers find the foundation of values in the sphere out of history as well as the historical factors. Modern conservatism is in search of the basis uniting the values of community and the values of individuals. The problem of values formation is viewed by conservatism in most cases as the problem of their implementation in the result of different social institutes activities. The educational role of the state as well as non-state institutes – family, church, national culture – is appreciated. Conservatism is devoid of illusions as for the possibility to end the conflicts of values in society. It leads to rather pessimistic vision of nowadays events and our nearby future.
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