Гностична антропологія Еміля Чорана
Sunic, T. (2003). Emil Cioran and The culture of Death. Retrived from: http://www.mediamonitors.net/tomis lavsunic3.html.
Ligotti, T. (2010). The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. New York: Hippocampus Press
Dnistrovyi, A. (2011). A word about Cioran. Cioran [Emil Choran]. Stimulant of spirit, 5-24. Kyiv:
Grani-T (in Ukr.)
Lenel-Lavastin, A. (2007). Forgotten fascism. Ionesko, Eliade, Choran. Moscow: Progress-Tradiciya (in Russ.)
Choran, E. (2002). After the end of history. St. Petersburg: Symposium (in Russ.)
Jonas, H. (1998). Gnosticism (Gnostic religion). St. Petersburg: Lan’ (in Russ.)
Khosroev, A. L. (2007). History of Manichaeism. St. Petersburg (in Russ.)
Eliade, M. (2012). History of faith and religious ideas, 1. Moscow: Academic project (in Russ.)
Abban'yano, N. (2000). Wisdom of philosophy and problems of our life. St. Petersburg: Aleteya (in Russ.)
Oryhen (teacher Aleksandryiskyi) (1996). Against Celsus. Apologia of christianity. Moscow (in Russ.)