Гностична антропологія Еміля Чорана

Основное содержимое статьи

ВІталій Щепанський


The research is intended to outline and understand the factors of the formation of Emil Cioran's anthropological project, which involves the logical solution of the following tasks. a) to outline the sources of E. Cioran's anthropological project in the philosophy of the modern age; b) to emphasize the relations between the philosophical views of E. Cioran and M. Heidegger as well as the impact of ancient Gnosticism on philosophic views of the Romanian philosopher. The author derives from the inadequacy of the superficial review of E. Cioran's anthropological views, where, the person appears to be the bearer of the divine sparkle as a reservoir, and the ethics of a person is formed in the apophatic dimension of the existence of meanings. The factors of Gnostic anthropology domination and the image of a man in the philosophical heritage of E. Cioran is associated with his interest in the history of the Bogomiles and Cathars movements, uniting his homeland in the Balkans and France where he lived in the second half of his life. The author proved that E. Cioran was one of the first thinkers of the twentieth century, who managed to implement the Gnostic heritage in the postmodern philosophy. This led to the widening of Descartes' views beyond the superficial scientific research that had been carried out earlier by other scholars. Also it is proven that the ideas of E. Cioran were a kind of reflection on the challenge of time associated with the radical transformation of the world and human after the Second World War. At the heart of E. Cioran's ideas lies the Gnostic doctrine of the "Evil Demiurge", which he skillfully embodied within the framework of his anthropological project. An analysis of his heritage reveals to us a profound link between the thinker and his culture and the possibility of understanding of human existence in a new perspective.

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Библиографические ссылки

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