Multimodal semiotics of logic

Основное содержимое статьи

Konstantin Rayhert


The article is devoted to the development of the philosophical and methodological fundamentals of multimodal semiotics of logic. Multimodal semiotics of logic considers logic as a multisemiotic construction. Logic as a multisemiotic construction is the kind of discourses which are formed through choices of signs from the functional sign systems of the natural language, logical symbolism and visual display. The sign systems of the natural language, logical symbolism and visual display are the semiotic resources in logic as a multisemiotic construction. Multimodal semiotics of logic can have two dimensions of cognition – intra-semiotic and inter-semiotic. Intra-semiotic dimension of logic deals with the view that every semiotic resource is an autonomous immanent sign system. There are two kinds of inter-semiotic dimension of logic in multimodal semiotic of logic. The first possible inter-semiotic dimension of logic considers one semiotic resource as a point of view on other semiotic resources and as an un-immanent sign system. The second possible inter-semiotic dimension of logic considers logic, as a multisemiotic construction, as a sign system consisted of the semiotic resources as sign subsystems.

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Библиографические ссылки

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8.          Russell B. Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy / Bertrand Russell. – London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1949. – 254 p.

9.          Wright G. H., von. Logic and Philosophy in the Twentieth Century / Georg Henrik von Wright // Wright G. H., von. The Tree of Knowledge and Other Essays. – Leiden: Brill Academic Pub, 1997. – P. 7-24. – (Philosophy of History and Culture. Book 11).

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