The philosophical dimension of Ukrainian sixties
Основное содержимое статьи
The object of the research paper is to determine the philosophical foundations specific to phenomenon of Ukrainian sixties. The paper proposes to examine the phenomenon of Ukrainian sixties as a project of «new subjectivity». The author stressed the importance of selecting a particular ideological generation to the integrity of the historical process of the nation, and first of all, the meaning of generation of the Ukrainian sixties approval process for national identity. The object is to study the philosophical dimension of this generation of intellectuals. The period of 60th dosn’t propose any clear philosophical structure of the worldview or some philosophical systems, but in the same time it has an absolute ethic and aesthetics value which is based on some principles. The paper analyzes the general trends of the functioning of philosophical thought in terms of ideological pressure of the Soviet authorities. The author shows some examples of the achievements and shortcomings of the process of philosophizing of that period. The alternative path that evolved philosophy is defined in the article. The author stressed that the philosophy in Ukraine is often a manifestation of the integration of literary, artistic and philosophical thinking.
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Библиографические ссылки
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