The phenomenon of freedom as a constituent of democratic society

Основное содержимое статьи

Hanna Shevchenko


Some basic problems which are connected with the modern state of freedom realization as an inalienable attribute of democratic society are analysed. It is marked, that the freedom of any person appears as a result of his/her capacity for a reflection, making decision and determination of his/her own vital strategies in a globalized world. It is stressed that the essence of freedom is not only in realization of necessity, freedom is some active actions, overcoming of the state of passivity, inactivity, where the will of the person to gain freedom appears and various obstacles are overcome. It is underlined, that the burning question of present time is the question about the maintenance of freedom in technocratic society, where the problems of economy growth and ecological danger go out on a foreground in the conditions of crisis. It is marked, that the person is able to attain freedom, and, thus, to overcome alienation and appropriate his/her own products of vital activity only in a society, in the public process of production, when the personal and public interests of participants of joint activity gather, and the freedom of the person is determined by the degree of freedom of other people.

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Библиографические ссылки

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