Social and cultural significance of philosophy of education in reducing a destructive impact of corruption in the system of higher education in Ukraine

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Eugene Vdovychenko


Under the conditions of reforming the modern Ukrainian educational system the main task is to create a qualitatively new system of training highly educated specialists of the postindustrial era, which will meet the demands and challenges of the time. Unfortunately, education in Ukraine has not received sufficient social attention, and even the reforms, taking place in it, are not understandable for the society, though they have been discussed in the mass media, they pose a problem only for pedagogical and educational societies. Purpose. It is possible to solve many educational problems using the methodological apparatus and potential capabilities of philosophy of education as a research area of social philosophy. It reflects new achievements of different fields of knowledge through the prism of compiled and the most essential outlook concepts and pedagogy involves advanced methods of teaching and upbringing. It influences the formation of the inner world of a growing generation. Results. There are many problem questions, philosophy of education is trying to answer. One of the main problems which destruct the system of higher education in Ukraine is corruption. The only way to solve it successfully is to use social and philosophical analysis which overviews many important theoretical and legal axioms. Originality. Overcoming corruption must have integral and systematic character and imply not only diligent and responsible work of law enforcement bodies, but also the use of educational and political, administrative and corporative organizational means. Conclusion. The effectiveness of these different measures, if they are taken, can be achieved and ensured provided that high professional and ethical principles and standards of educational activity are maintained and there are mechanisms, ensuring their activity. The methods and ideas of philosophical and educational potential will be appropriate in this situation.

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