The sources of religious fundamentalism in the constructivist model of Shmuel Eisenstadt.
Main Article Content
The article analyzes the components of the constructivist models of Shmuel Eisenstadt as they relate to the discovery of the reasons for the appearance of religious fundamentalism. It establishes that religious fundamentalism can be understood as a type of protest movement, causes of which are related to political, economic, social and cultural challenges of modern civilization. The refusal or failure of political elites to promptly and efficiently meet the challenges of modernization processes may cause the failure of the latter. Thus, religious fundamentalism may occur as an alternative ideology for social change. Its content will be directly focused on the concept of an «ideal» society, in the interpretation of the relevant religious doctrines. Religious fundamentalism is focused on the active engagement and use the mechanisms of political power to achieve their goal, ignoring the interests of private persons. The concept of religious fundamentalism is not identical with religious extremism and radicalism. However, religious fundamentalism may be susceptible to radicalization, which is typical of other protest movements or types of political regimes.
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