The problem of Kant’s interpretation of the notion «culture»


Olexandr Radzun


In the article I. Kant's philosophical sights at a context of culture are analyzed. From the point of view of Kant, the person as a subject, is operating and beholding being. To be the person means ability to receive experience of the external nature and internal feeling. Orderliness and intelligence in events of the live and lifeless nature brings existence of the person as moral essence. As the moral being the person acts as the prime target of the world. Ability to perceive world around intelligently is based on the moral feeling which has been directed on other subjects. Therefore the categorical imperative defines the person through attitudes to another and restrictions which are imposed by him. The human nature, or «culture», puts us before a controversial choice between morally justified and natural necessary. Any practical including cultural behavior is the behavior of a reasonable being uniting theoretical and practical abilities. The culture is a product of unity of contemplation and action, connecting in its subject subject and object in a single entity. Human being is the main character and the executor of this connection. An ability of a reasonable being to set the purposes in general (means, its freedom) is, according to Kant, culture. Thus, infinite self-dispassionateness of the person finds the permit in culture.




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