. Sign and variants of its translation: pragmatic aspects
On the basis of the sign as a basic concept of semiotics, we can model and describe possible worlds that are created by this sign. Accordingly, the variants of translating by meaning and content sign and the peculiarities of their extraction are considered; it is sure to be considered in the pragmatic plane. The article analyzed the H. N. Goodman’s correlation of a sign and its copy allowing to find the definition of autographic character of an artwork and to follow its creation stages. In particular, the article explains why it is possible to speak about the forgery of a painting if compared with a music text. In the context of these notions, the aesthetic significance of an artwork is not connected with its authenticity; the copy of a sign may have the same or even greater semantic meaning than autographic sign, depending on the circumstances. The position of a spectator-listener-reader is determined to be dominant in the estimation of the meaning aspects of a sign and possible variants of its interpretation. The status of an addressee allows interpreting a sign taking into account his own offered mechanisms of giving meanings; it creates a semiotic game which involves a sign, an object replacing it, an addressee of a sign and its author.
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