Philosophical aspect of W. Sombart’s economic theory of fashion
The aim of the article is to consider the philosophical aspects of the fashion which were expounded in the work of W. Sombart «National Economy and Fashion». The process of the influence of the formation of increased consumption on the trends is retraced. Economic determinants of the fashion genesis are justified. Logical sequence of the production process, which allows to explain the mechanism of the development and existence of fashion in modern society is retraced. The new generation of people whose primary responsibility is the constant change of surrounding things of consumption is analyzed. The main features of modern fashion in comparison with the previous centuries are analyzed. The question about the activities of fashion designers, which is considered not only as an aesthetic, but also as one of the units of production, depending on the manufacturer of materials (fabric) to create fashionable clothing and other factors is raised. The possibilities of applying the theory of W. Sombart for analysis the concept «fashion» are demonstrated. The author concludes that the economic theory of fashion is based on the process of production and consumption, overlooks the consideration of aesthetic aspects. Philosophical aspects of W. Sombart’s economic theory of fashion allow to refine the definition of «fashion», to highlight its determinants and genesis.
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