Philosophical category of «time» in the space of fashion
The place of philosophical category of «time» in the space of fashion is considered. The retrospective of ontological foundations of time in various forms of fashion is observed. Attention on Greek etymology of concept «time» as eternal and lasting is focused. The transformation of primary meaning of concept «time» and the formation of new models which have been proliferated in philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine and A. Bergson) is analyzed. The reflection of philosophical interpretation of time in the space of fashion is demonstrated. The copy of primary image on the example of variability of Greek chiton is observed. The inalienability of change in the projection of the line of time: past, present and future is grounded. The duration and temporality as ones of the main features of fashion are analyzed. The idea that changes in the space of fashion create its new forms which are subsequently transferred from one part of time line to another one is grounded. The author concludes that the philosophical category of «time» reveals the properties of the phenomenon of fashion, its social representation. Further philosophical issues of variability of fashion, the relation of the past and the present in it are need to be considered.
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