Specific features of religious feelings


Denis Predko


The article reveals defining characteristics of religious feelings – intentionality, sacred status of the object, «self-concept», feeling of the attitude to the sacred object. Attention is paid to the stages of evolution of the brain that correlate with the development of «image of God». The author indicates that the formation of religious feelings helps personification of the image of God, which is happening by joining human to spiritual contact with Him for the purpose of the request for assistance, discuss their desires, problems, etc. It is determined that the constitution of a manifestation of religious feelings depends on «self-concept», and from religious groups, within which they emerge and help to strengthen relations between believers. Religious feeling, broadening the inner life of people, are able to rebuild not only their inner world, but also to affect on the life-world of others. Speaking in a complex and multi-functional phenomenon, religious feelings construct a sensual experience that is formed on the one hand, in the context of the particular biographical situation of the individual, on the other, in the context of some religious tradition. It is emphasized that the previous sensual religious experience plays an important role not only in the process of becoming, deployment of intersubjectivity and also affects on the perceptions of faith in general.










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