
Andrii Oleksiiovych MARCHENKO


Introduction. The problem of understanding, mutual decision of problems, that touch both the fates of separate regions and world on the whole, acquires of the special value. The deep knowledge of historical, philosophical heritage of other country promotes the expansion of cultural dialogue, strengthening of amities, forming of tolerant attitude toward other way of life, world view and thinking style. The special interest is presented by East cultures and civilizations and their role in spiritual development of humanity and world civilization process, in particular philosophical-cultural paradigm that was formed on the walks of life of Japan. One of the known and most influential Japanese philosophers of ХХth century is Warsuji Tetsuro which managed fruitfully to connect in his researchers of the specifics of mutual relations of individual and surrounding (both social and natural) space of his existence traditional philosophical ideas and spiritual practices and Western philosophical ideas.

Purpose is to analyse essential descriptions of climate (fudo) in philosophy of Warsuji Tetsuro and their correlation with the process of forming of human subjectivity and sociality.

Methods. In his research the author used coherent analytical tools, particularly the methods of hermeneutics, textual and comparative analysis.

Results. The analysis of essential features of climate (fudo) in philosophy of Warsuji Tetsuro and their correlation with the process of forming of human subjectivity and sociality is carried out. It is set that Warsuji Tetsuro in his philosophical search calls to the range of problems of sociocultural and natural, climatic factors of human existence, accenting attention on that man as ningen is formed not only in the process of cooperating with other people but also permanent contacts with an environment as Other.

              Originality. The author substantiated the idea that the problem of climate in philosophy of Warsuji Tetsuro gives an original reference-point for any analysis of a structure of human existence.

Conclusion. In philosophy of Warsuji Tetsuro a climate is examined not simply as collection of natural descriptions of certain earth, but includes for itself also sociocultural surroundings, lifestyle and even technological tool that assists functioning and cooperation of human community. An attempt to educe deep essence of a concept of "human space" and his displays in a climate, landscape and in social relations is carried out in Warsuji Tetsuro’s concept of fudo.




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