
Svitlana Oleksandrivna HANABA


Introduction. Modern scientific and technological discoveries have led to the emergence of new cultural forms which include the world-wide-web (network). The processes and phenomena that are organized and function on the principle of the network are crucial in the realities of the modern world. The phenomenon of networking should not be seen as a purely technical phenomenon. Even today, it has entered the human body quite organically, penetrated into all socio-cultural practices up to the present day, affecting its physiological and psychological nature.

The purpose of the article is to consider the social aspect of the influence of network technologies on human communication as an important ontological essence of man.

Research methods. The methodological and cognitive toolkit of the work is conditioned by the peculiarities of the object and object of study, the versatility of the internal structure of the network space, and therefore relies on a set of generally philosophical, general scientific and special methods of research, in particular, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of network space is realized on the basis of systemic, structural and functional approaches.

Results. The impact of network technologies on humans is ambivalent. These technologies open up endless possibilities for man. It is about increasing unhindered access to any information, improving its sharing and more. The possibilities of free access to electronic information resources do not in any way regulate the volume and their content, nor determine the directions of its search and application. In general, a person appears as a search engine and collector of the necessary information.. Under these conditions, there is a need to form an information culture, which is aimed at developing the skills of selective attitude to information, its ranking in the processes of independent learning.

Originality. The novelty of the work is the social analysis of the impact of network technologies on the communicative aspect of human activity.

Conclusions. The technology networks produce other realities, penetrate into all socio-cultural practices, up to the present day, and affect its physiological nature. In network technologies we see anthropological shifts based on the semantic foundations of socio-cultural and psychological alienation and marginality, which, as a consequence, is accompanied by axiological transformations. Its existence in the world is defined as the continuous trying of new images, the creation of new identities, and the ability to get rid of them and choose others depending on the changing situation or context of being.




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