
Karyna KULIK


Summary. Introduction. In the modern world, the problem of ethics can be interpreted through postmodern philosophy. When experiencing the influence of postmodern thought, the concept of ethics and its components often have a meaning which is different from the classical interpretations, which complicates their understanding. In this context, it is relevant to consider the methodology of those thinkers who, being influenced by the postmodern philosophy, do not depart from the ethical problematics, but develop it and suggest their solutions. A demonstrative example of such is the work of Alain Badiou "Ethics: An Essay on the Consciousness of Evil," in which the issues of ethics and the existence of evil are considered. The purpose is to explore the Alain Badiou’s ethics concept in modern postmodern thought on the basis of his work "Ethics: An Essay on the Consciousness of Evil". Methods. Analytical, synthetic, comparative, hermeneutic methods were used. Results. In general, the ethics proposed by A. Badiou are based on the ethics of truth, which is the principle of continuing the process of truth or by allowing someone to be present in the subject, is induced by the process of this truth and is considered in a cut of politics, science, art and love. Originality. When analyzing the work of A. Badiu “Ethics”, the view of the existing understanding of ethics in modern ideology, considered on the basis of the ethics of truths, seems to be new. The concept proposed by the philosopher forms a new approach to understanding the emergence of Good and Evil, their relationship. The author focuses on the need to create new ethics, which entails rethinking of the majority of established concepts and is the impetus for the development of new views and trends in modern philosophical thought. Conclusion. The topic of ethics, raised by A. Badiu in the context of modern historical events, was a desire to identify problems of concept substitution and an attempt to demonstrate the prevailing understanding of the ethics of the modern world, as ethics in which evil reigns. The solutions proposed by the philosopher, based on the ethics of truths, can serve as a basis for further comparative analysis of the classical understanding of ethics and the views of postmodern thinkers, the study of the prospects for the influence of new ethical views on modern society and rethinking of established views about ethics.




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