Проблема одиночества художника в творчестве (философский срез)
Introduction. The investigation of the phenomenon of artist solitude provides for studying deep bases of man and his life. The sources, reasons and features of experiencing the state of creative personality can have both positive and negative aspects. The purpose of the article is to carry out the philosophical and religious measuring of the phenomenon of solitude of creative personality in historical and philosophical aspects; to consider the metaphysical context of decision of this question in works of V. Veidle. Methods. For research of this question mainly classic philosophical methods were used: hermeneutics, phenomenological, structural, and comparative analysis. Results. The religious measuring of the phenomenon of solitude in the Christian picture of the world acquires the value and depth not only within the framework of a life of human creative personality, but on the joint of life of man and his Creator. Originality. In research of the phenomenon of solitude an important place occupies the process of constructing of the special ontology of man and his ontological connections with other people and with God. Conclusion.Final permission of this theme within the framework of philosophical reflection in a history of philosophical idea can not be found. While the Christian picture of the world some abolishes the tragedy of solitude in the work of artist. Religious world view is aimed to specify a freely life of man in a dialogue with God as a way to overcome the solitude of creative personality.
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