Діалог релігій як підґрунтя реалізації проекту «Світового етосу» Ганса Кюнга
A theme of survival of the modern world is extraordinarily actual. One of the ways of decision of this problem there is a realization of necessity of association, rallying of joint efforts around the system of universal mental and ethical norms and values. The project of World ethos was offered by well-known Swiss theologian Hans Küng. Тhe aim of his project is actualization of a dialogue between religions and cultures, integration of values, norms and relations of different ethics and religious traditions. Hans Küng considers a wide and open interconfessional and interreligious dialogue as a basis for making of the system of general, universal mental and ethical principles, of a World ethos. The followers of world religions and the representatives of other types of religions, in particular supporters of national forms of religiousness are brought over to this dialogue. The conception of World ethos of Hans Küng can be examined as an extraordinarily perspective "crosscultural" macroethic theology project and real attempt of construction of a dialogue between East and West. Under a World ethos it follows to understand not a new world ideology or compatible world religion and that no longer domination some one religion above other. "World ethos" is a base consensus in relation to existent general values, unchanging standards and personality behavioral positions. It is the real background for a fruitful dialogue between the participants of different religions and cultures.
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