Воля і свобода у вченні Плотіна про душу


Микола Видриган


Introduction. The article deals with the thoughts about soul, fate, good and evil of Plotinus, who was the founder of the last school of ancient philosophy-neoplatonism. The purpose of such knowledge is to clarify the vision of the late hellenistic philosophers of the problem of the human individual, his will and freedom on the verge of changing historical epochs. It is investigated that Plotinus, first of all, states that the souls of people have forgotten the God and his true nature. He develops a new doctrine of the three primordial hypostases, which is different from platonism. Plotinus stresses the role and place of the Soul among them. He builds its new hierarchy. Plotinus constructs correlation of the higher and lower parts of the soul by the method of deducing the lower level from the higher one. On the other hand, Plotinus shows the meaning of the soul concerning to the understanding of the creature and of the person specifically. Finally, he concludes that human is a soul. Proceeding from the fact that everything around us is happened reasons, he believes that in search of the closest reason of all it is necessary to stay on the soul. When it occurs by itself, in the form of the World Soul, it is the complete organizer of all existing, and its lower levels are the field managers. Depending on what bodies the souls are connected and in what conditions, their volitional potential and freedom depend on them. Freedom of the will of the soul of a human being depends largely on those evils that may affect the human soul against its will. It was also installed that Plotinus considered soul, will, freedom, evil, good, necessity, fate not as a concept or a category, but as a phenomenon. By his views on their content and properties, he laid the foundation for their philosophical substantiation.




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