Gender equality in the context of social relations




 Despite the fact that in most countries of the world a change of the gender order has been observed, modern intellectual discourse cannot be proud of significant developments in this area, at least because of the lack of a single conceptual interpretation of the concept of «gender equality», which in its turn significantly complicates the development of state and international strategies for gender equality, relevant to time and circumstances. In view of this, the purpose of our study is to highlight the main approaches to the interpretation of gender equality and outline the prospects for their practical implementation as a peculiar civilization model. The scientific novelty includes substantiating the proposition that we have all grounds to consider the marginalization of socially deterministic roles in the representatives of the two genders as one of the forms of gender discrimination, since within this approach there is a masculinization of a woman that is combined with the genocide of femininity. Given this fact, there is every reason to believe that the only model of gender equality is that built on the principle of «equal but different». Ensuring gender equality depends on the level of economic development of the state, namely: in the countries whose economic life is the «second wave of civilizational changes» (Elvin Toffler), low gender equality indicators are observed, even despite its legislative consolidation, however, as the US experience shows, this equality is not determined by it. Provision of appropriate time and socio-cultural, economic and political circumstances of the gender perspective requires a clear approach to the interpretation of the content of gender equality, which will be set against the background of the conceptual vision of gender, which will take into account the biological and social deterministic roles of representatives of each sex.




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