


Introduction. The relevance of the topic is determined by the search for modern philosophy, linguistics, social philosophy and psychology in the problem area of gender studies, which, with consistency, leads to cross-cutting themes of philosophical anthropology. Purpose of the study. The aim of the study is to determine the correlation between modern philosophical projects of narrative and object-oriented ontology in the context of the problematic philosophy of a thing, the concept of an object. Methods used in the study: text analysis of sources, analytical methods to consider philosophical discourse, hermeneutic approach and problematization of the difference between language and speech. The results of the study make it possible to state the uncertainty of the metaphysical grounds of gender theory in general and gender linguistic research, social programs and strategies in particular. Also, the paradigmly criterion of gender positioning and identity formation, which manifests itself in the social philosophy of gender and gender studies of the language, is unclearly articulated. The originality and novelty of the research is that an attempt has been made to outline the interdependence of philosophical ideological knowledge in its metaphysical interpretation and gender theory as a set of socio-cultural practices, programs and strategies. Also, the conditionality of representations about gender identity and its manifestations from the metaphysical grounds of the world picture is clarified. The results of the study are related to its multidisciplinary nature and consist in the argumentation of the need to rethink the role of the metaphysical component in modern gender theory, which determines the nature of specific gender studies, in particular those that touch on the issues of modern cognitive linguistics, social and practical philosophy, theory of communication.




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