


«А structure» as a concept is known in different sciences from ancient times.
It understands as totality of proof connections between segments in the system, that provide her monolithic nature. The culture of everyday life, as new direction of humanitarian researches, also plugged this term in the category block. However, the concept of space of daily occurence yet is not enough investigational. Therefore, first, it is needed to define the structural elements of daily occurence, analyze their internal relations. A primary purpose of this scientific research is an attempt to analyze a daily occurence as certain integrity that in the conditions of globalization represents and determines logic of many modern socio-cultural processes. During the research different methods were used. The main of them are: an analysis – dividing of space of daily occurence into component parts for their independent study; a synthesis – real and mental association different elements of everyday life in single unit. Abstracting is a process of distraction from factors that is not expression of globalization. As a result of research three basic structural elements of culture of everyday life were distinguished: human body, house, settlement. The scientific originality: it was investigated a transformation of zones of daily occurence in the conditions of globalization and was analyzed copulas between these zones. In conclusions we came to the idea, that changes in these zones are most meaningful to every individual. They are a platform for the processes of self-definition, creation of integral human identity and realization of cultural authenticity. Each of these processes needs separate research.




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