Introduction. The author analyzes the conceptual problems of historical and philosophical research of the measuring of the idea of the social contract, proves the importance of the idea of social contract for the constitution of a fair constitutional state and its further functioning as a community of citizens who are free to negotiate, coordinate their often conflicting interests concerning their social problems. Purpose. To analyze the peculiarities of historical and philosophical discourse of the idea of the social contract in the general methodological sense of critical reconstruction of significance of the principle of the social contract for modern and contemporary political philosophy aimed at the realizing of the problems of freedom, equality and legitimacy of social institutions. Methods. The comparison of different concepts of social contract foresaw the sage of the method of comparative analysis. On the purpose of sequential analysis of main components and principles of the social contract the genealogical, hermeneutic and comparative methods were used. Results. The realizing and reconstruction of basic concepts and principles genesis, limits and prospects of development of the idea of the social contract in the sense of its most significant, contemporary and new historical and philosophical measurements, allows to make a conclusion that in the idea of the social contract itself and its direction to other significant problems of modern political philosophy a number of extensive and extremely necessary for today concepts and principles was highlighted. Originality. A comprehensive analysis of modern European philosophical discourse of the social contract was conducted, which allowed clarifying not only European, but also universal, intercultural methodological sense as foundations of diverse forms of average algorithm of complex social contemporary practice. Conclusion. It is proved in the work that the idea of the social contract is closely connected with the problem of justification of human rights, which arising as a component of modern concepts of legitimacy, which indicates the organic link of the problems of the power and justice.
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