


The article deals with the concept of the power of the American philosopher, sociologist and journalist A. Toffler. The purpose is to analyse this concept in the context of his theory of informative or post-industrial society. The main results. The government is gradually moving away from the old hierarchy, creating a more mobile, heterogeneous system in which constantly changing centers of power. New communication technologies undermine the government hierarchy as provide an opportunity to do without it. Computers can simulate not just economic or technical processes, but also political, providing many alternative courses of action in a given situation. The more data, information and knowledge management system uses, the more society becomes information, the more difficult to understand what is really going on. Pending the crisis, politicians and bureaucrats, corporate lobbying forces and social movements will apply information tactics, meaning the power game based on the manipulation of data before it gets in the media. Here is presented the correspondence between historical types of power (violence, wealth and knowledge) like the rising arrows, reflecting the attitude of the scientist to the importance of each civilization against the background of transformation at the turn of XX-XXI centuries. Conclusions The author underlines on the methodological potential of post-classical universal ontological interpretation of power as a symbolic and projective reality that is embodied in the global "infosphere" which enables the phenomenon of the educated "semi-direct" democracy. Thus, the power from the countries with rich natural resources will pass to those who control the knowledge necessary for creation of new resources.




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