Religious philosophy of L. Karsavin in the context of modern culture
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The questions of divinity, culture, philosophy, ethics and aesthetics always were difficult for a discussion in the metaphysical plane of their analysis. Far not many thinkers, both the past and today dare on an address to these themes. Creative heritage of L. Karsavin in this select group of thinkers occupies the special place. It is necessary to confess the ambiguousness of world view comprehension of reality and problem of man in works of L. Karsavin. However, all of it only asserts us in an idea about actuality and timeliness of address to his philosophy, as questions of life of man, problem of good and evil, time, death, will, love, sin and God save a request for permission and in our days. Maybe not so much permissions, how many realized address is to them. Our analysis not built on principle of construction of some «distance» between the modern world and metaphysical measuring of the Russian philosopher. Rather the question is about constructing of one problem field in the radius of that the eternal questions of anthropology, ontology, axiology and their culturological comprehension get from positions of ХХI century. Thus the problem of freedom of life and thought finds its unexpected opening in the context of questions about «evil» and «sin».
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Библиографические ссылки
1. Karsavin L. P. Put' pravoslavija / L. P. Karsavin. – M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo AST», 2003. – 557 s.