Freedom of choice in historical and ontological discourse of the Ukrainian sixties
Основное содержимое статьи
The object of the research paper is to solve situational philosophical issues characteristic phenomena Ukrainian sixties. The subject of research was the problem of freedom of choice. Primarily determined by historical and ontological dimension of the problem. We are talking about the possibility of free choice of the storytelling own past. In the article explained the ontological significance of this story. The concept of freedom, in this case, is considered closely related to the notion of responsibility. In view of this, the paper proposes to examine the phenomenon of Ukrainian sixties as a project of «new subjectivity». Also the ontological conditions for such formulation are defined. The article determines the importance of selecting a particular ideological generation to the integrity of the historical process of the nation. The author emphasizes on the meaning of generation of the Ukrainian sixties approval process for national identity. The author aims to reveal the existential basis of agency problems in Ukrainian sixties and analyze the ontological significance of the historical narrative for future. Overall the characteristic of European ethical discourse trend of personal autonomy principle in making and upholding the decision was detected.
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Библиографические ссылки
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