Man creating component of discourse of Ukrainian modern mass culture
Основное содержимое статьи
Present-day postmodern society is characterized by axiological pluralism, pressing of different genres of discourse, the prevalence of popular culture (its worst pattern – the kitsch), and the type of person, whom popular culture is oriented to a man of a mass (cosmopolitan, free of any norms, values, traditions). Information field, where an individual is every day, is artificially saturated by certain discursive forms that are designed to transform the events of public life in the verbal plan in order to influence the subconscious of the masses. This paper outlines the features of the man creating discourse of contemporary Ukrainian culture media. The attempt of an analytical understanding of the essence of controversy of popular and national culture in contemporary Ukrainian society is made. Also the different views on the definition of «discourse» have been analyzed, and the contents and structure of discourses that reflect notions of modern humans about the world have been discovered. Attention is focused on the problem of preserving the true national values on the background of contemporary globalization transformations and on the fact that the discourse of modern Ukrainian man creating popular culture reflects a proper state of cultural events in Ukraine and in the circumstances of the dependent unstable modernization of the society.
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Библиографические ссылки
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