The visual language in the era of hedonism: texts and contexts
Основное содержимое статьи
The paper investigates the characteristics of visual language in consumer society, considers its orientation on entertaining and hedonism. The influence of commercial contexts to new stylistic paradigm of visuality and a new type of art modeling of the world are stated. The modern fixation on the ethical responsibility of an artist and designer for influence on the structures of human identity through a visual language is revealed. The author analyzed the symbolic forms and cultural fictions in terms of postmodernism as tools for forming disordered identity. An artificial field, which stimulates the emergence of a-hedonistic, in fact, surrogate emotions and feelings, is created in commercial contexts. The humanization of visual space should contribute to the formation of internally independent human being, whose experience is authentic. Visuality enters the problem field of sensible perception and visual thinking. The author regards the reorientation from consumption with its simplified visual schemes to the creation encourages to find new methods of the hologram vision (priority of a figure over background, prolonged perception of things), and the use of art therapy strategies. The visuality, which generates efforts to build its own identity, is a new form of anthropocentrism.
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Библиографические ссылки
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