Symbolics of thought experiment: philosophical and anthropological reception.
Основное содержимое статьи
The article addressed the issue of mental experiment as one of the important means of shaping the world view of modern science. Position of heuristic thought experiment due to the trend towards convergence of methodologies, conceptual apparatus and ideological bases of accurate, fundamental and socio-humanitarian disciplines is justified. The role of a thought experiment for modern philosophical anthropology and philosophy of mind is highlighting. The author determined that the thought experiment is rooted in generative semantic structures of language and common language metaphoric. In this regard, symbolic functioning of the linguistic metaphor in scientific discourse is fixed. The article specially marks metatheory character descriptions of conditions and the results of a thought experiment for the salvation of psycho-physical (psycho-physiological) problems in the philosophy of mind, as well as in the studies on the modeling of artificial intelligence. It is assumed that existing in the modern tradition of approaches to the problem of consciousness is insufficient not only because of the hypothetical nature of the study, but also because of avoiding problems of metaphysics and ontology. The author analyzed the phenomenon of the comic as a form of creating a new meaning for scientific discourse in general and for the method of thought experiment in particular.
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