Social connections and organization of collective activity
Основное содержимое статьи
A society, as a complex social structure of organisms has been studied. It is shown that in the basis of their interaction lie social connections between social organisms. Such connections generate collective activity of social organisms, which form social groups and the social system of the society in general. It is found out that under this activity we should understand realized behavior, complex of acts, directed to the achievement of the certain goal, and those which are connected with the choice of means, methods, guaranteeing the achievement of the goal. Just this characteristic of activity in a social group receives the form of collective. In this regard certain theories of connections have been studied. They induce to the thought that all they in some way characterize collective activity from the different points of view. And if we can observe activity of some individuals, taking into account their sociality, it, in due course, becomes collective. Besides, theories of social assistance have been analyzed, they allow us to claim that such phenomenon as collective activity, from the point of view of social philosophy, can’t take place out of the person. It is the result of people’s activity, their communication, creation of specific situations, etc.
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Библиографические ссылки
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