Social identity in the context of transformation processes of modernity

Основное содержимое статьи

Olga Sinkevych


The author discusses the specifics of modern identification space; peculiarities of interaction of internal and external factors of self-determination; variety identification strategies; the creation of new mechanisms of social identification. The nature of the post-Soviet transformation in Ukrainian realities and their impact on social identity in transitional era is analyzed. The role of mass culture as a mechanism to enable modern man in his social environment, socialization and socio-cultural adaptation, the formation of social identity is regarded. It is proved that one of the identity model of modernity is the «patchwork identity» that is constructed by the subject in pluralistic culture. The author examines one of the most common forms of social identity in the modern world marginal, with which man relates himself to any status or role. One of the models of identity in modern global change is «retro-identity» – a return to the original sources of identity (religious, ethnic, territorial, national). It is proved that a «possible identity» largely displays the nature of the modern era, this identity provides the ability to fit into a socio-cultural environment, to relate your past, present and future.

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Библиографические ссылки

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