Основное содержимое статьи
Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of regularities of spiritual self-becoming. Purpose. The purpose of this study is the generalization, systematization and deepening from the mythological positions of the modern philosophical concepts routes in world’s harmony, to the constructive antilibration of the bipolarity human psyche. Methods. The author implements the mythological and profound psychological methods. Results. Person chose two ways of progress the monological or pseudomythical and dialogical or own-mythical. This logic suggests to man in the three-dimensional (or in the six-dimensional) world of opposition should not be seen as binary, but as a trinitary. The approach provides qualitative progress, development, opens the sense of struggle fiercely opposing beginning. The pseudomythical logic absolutizes a one part of the universal integrity, gives dialectics, rules out dialogue with the world of man. Especially the author focuses on harmonization the two main existential oppositions “Self-world polarity” (in particular “Self-God polarity”) and “male – female”. Person’s salvation is a synthesis of human and God which reflected in the idea of God-man. Sexual love regulates the opposite of masculine and feminine. So two genders are combined in integrity that approximate to God's integrity. This type of love implements the other kinds of love – love of Neighbor and love of Distant. After all, gender and love are connected with the mystery of discontinuity in the world and any secret connections. So, androgynism is a final combination of male and female in the God-like existence, final overcoming of collapse, restoring the image and likeness of God in man. A female essence, alienated by the time, is reunited with male nature through love and the human’s imagery recovering. Originality. The scientific novelty of the results involves the pan-mythological theory’s application of knowledge of the world. Also the author focuses on the Trinitarian model that solving the oppositions in the individual self. The scientist has approbation mechanisms of this model. Conclusion. The dialectically solving the two fundamental oppositions allows positively solve critical opposition – “corporal – spiritual”, “mental – spiritual”, “human – God” – through the phenomenon of man and life.
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