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The structure of cognitive relations the person joins and their result are defined by the openness of cognitive space. The aspect of openness and accessibility factors is pointed out from the challenging scientific issues complex in order to understand their constructive role in human cognition which combines creation and discovery in itself. One of the definingorganizersof persons being in the network of society relations is trust. The role of trust increases in the conditions of new configuration of education space. Development of the stated problem in the frames of philosophy of education has the exceptional meaning for its solution. Purpose. The paper aims at trust phenomenon essence revealing and defining of its meaning for adequate development of personality in the system of education. Results. As the result of analysis and synthesis of cultural and historic heritage of leading scholars due to education problems it was defined that education presupposes activity the priority aim for which is a personality who cognizes and explores themselves, their nature, creative and spiritual potential, opens and reveals new power, skills, senses and emotions.Education should be regarded asmacrocosm”, which is defined by the variety of information cognition streams, which have the power of developing impact on personality. The efficiency of education influences is provided by mechanisms of trust. The absence of trust distorts the reality perception, causes alienation of contacts and information, makes intercommunication impossible. Originality. The significance of trust factor in the system of education is proved. Conclusion. Development and renewal of trust norms on initial stages of individualsocialization prove to be the most important pre-reflective means of childs preparation for adequate cognition and development.

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Библиографические ссылки

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