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It is very important for modern social theory to clear up main trends in it, to study the conditions and mechanisms for the development of sociality. This suggests the need to find new interpretive schemes. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the theoretical and methodological preconditions of social integrity phenomenon. Methods. Therefore, as a research methodology of the social integrity issues the postmodern tradition is one of the theoretical models designed to overcome the limitations of the total political discourse. The potential of this theory allows to go beyond the strict rational scheme of classical political philosophy, represents the Community as a spiritual practice, the possibility of co-existence. Thus, the postmodern approach is used as a research methodology for investigation the problem of social integrity. It actualizes the potential of non-political relations community. This methodological step gives an opportunity to reveal sociality at a qualitatively new level of socio-cultural analysis as the practice of attitude to other. Originality. A scientific novelty of this work is to try to expand the heuristic possibilities of the sociality theory in terms of the analysis of the social integrity problems in order to create a comprehensive research methodology of the problem. Conclusions. Thus, the study of the community potential, its mechanisms and the logic of its generation and presentation in the modern society allows to reveal the conditions of the social integrity. Therefore, it will allow to overcome the problem of the social crisis, which is stated by the modern researchers.

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Библиографические ссылки

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