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Summary. Introduction. The question of metaphysical nature of "superfluous man" rises in the article. The philosophical measuring of basic parameters of this phenomenon comes true in the context of Christian picture of the world.

Purpose. The aim of the author is critically to analyze the substantive provisions of world view and philosophical picture of the world of "superfluous man"; to specify on an error in romantisation of this character, both in philosophy and in literature; to find out internal descriptions of this character and confront them with bases of the Christian understanding of the world; to specify on reasons of loneliness of "a superfluous man" in society.

Methods. In the process of research a number of philosophical methods were used. The method of comparative analysis allowed to confront understanding of "superfluous man" in society and Christian culture. A comparative and system method became into the basis of main elements of the problem of social and religious loneliness of "superfluous man".

Results. Problem of "superfluous man" is connected with the problem of loneliness, namely loneliness without God. A depth of tragedy of this loneliness is in the field of faith, its maximum is in the ontological fullness. The gnosiological fervor of all philosophy of "superfluous man" (for the most "superfluous man") consists in that to find acquittal to itself and despair.

Originality. In a scientific novelty the author of work specifies deep reasons of forming of the phenomenon of superfluous man in philosophy and in the art of literary work. An answer is given for a question about reasons of appearance of this character in the culture of ХІХ century.

Conclusion. The laws of the secular world are inclined to take understanding of man into some phenomenological form. In a counterbalance the Christian picture of the world postulates such belittling of personality (the character of "superfluous man") which is based not on anthropocentrism but on Christo-centrism.

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Библиографические ссылки

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