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Abstract. Introduction. In the era of Post-Present, media are a universal characteristic of preserving and transmission of information, creating a new reality, since radically changing both perception and communication links. In the information age, there are specific types of media, which becomes the basis for the formation of a new discourse, a peculiar form of medial turn or post-medial age. The purpose of the article is the analises of media in the context of media-archeology and visual anthropology. Media research is primarily related to the emergence and study of technical media and their impact on human identity. Methods. The methodology of the research is connected with using of analytical, comparative and axiological methods, as well as the systemic, historical and cultural approaches. Results. Media turn from the means of deepening the vision of reality into its transponder, which leads to the emergence of a separate media reality format, which causes creation of research strategies for comprehension of the expansion of media images and definition of their ontological status. The emergence of "media archeology" indicates a change in the methods of researching the media, rethinking the content of the very concept of "media". Originality. The problem of the visual goes beyond the category of "mode of perception" and requires the inclusion of the category "experience of perception", which makes it possible to apply the term "visual anthropology" not only to the on-screen forms of visual culture and communication, but also to design and architecture; not only to the visible, but also to the imaginary (psychotherapy and philosophical anthropology), or to contemplative (various psychopractices of spiritual life); in which universal media are the "prism" of vision and memory technology. Conclusion. The subject field of media archeology and visual anthropology of Post-Present is not only a change in the methods of visualization and mediation, but also through a rethinking of the concept of "media" and the study of media influence on visual practices – the identification of the origins and conditions for the formation of the representation culture in general.

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Библиографические ссылки

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