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Abstract. Introduction. It the need to understand how the events of November 2013 – February 2014, which entered history as a "Revolution of Dignity" influenced on the consciousness of Ukrainians and on national mentality. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to investigate manifestations of the characteristics of Ukrainian mentality during the socio-political crisis on the territory of Ukraine; to find out what positive and negative peculiarities of Ukrainian mentality happened in a natural or a logical way and which were unexpected. Methods. An analytical method is used during the study of the sources; a systematic method for the study and systematization of the received information. General scientific principles of historicism, objectivity, philosophical pluralism, unity of historical and logical are used. Results. It is grounded that latent characteristics of Ukrainian mentality are fearlessness and the desire to achieve a goal. In spite of the risks to life they were activated. The traditional Ukrainian hesitancy transformed into a rapid self-organization, an effective collaboration of the community. It is proved that the "Revolution of Dignity" refuted the dominant in society the notion of indifference of Ukrainians and a lack of national solidarity and consent. Originality. The representation and transformation of the Ukrainian mentality characteristics: freedom-loving, democracy, tolerance, patience and others are studied. The socio-philosophical phenomens of the "Ukrainian Revolution", which provided its participants with the achievement of the goal, were presented: democracy in action with the lack of individual leadership; active articulation of the desired social values and their practical application; Ukrainian citizens uniting, the awakening of national identity and pride – Ukrainians began to become proud of being Ukrainians. Conclusion. The events of November 2013 – February 2014, entered history as the "Revolution of Dignity", bring into action positive and negative Ukrainian mentality peculiarities. Even the name "Revolution of Dignity" symbolically demonstrates the Ukrainians’ denial of slavery, injustice, and activation of human dignity. Philosophical comprehension of these unique events for Europe and for the whole world allows us to talk about a special Ukrainian sense of their own existence: Ukrainians support European values and ready to protect them even at the expence of their own lives.

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Библиографические ссылки

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