Основное содержимое статьи

Oksana FEDYK


Abstract. Introduction. Despite the fact that various international organizations for more than half a century have been focusing on the fact that the ensuring of gender equality is a guarantee of peace, prosperity and social justice throughout the world, in recent years, public awareness has been increasingly marked by resistance to gender initiatives. Of course, such a situation may seem quite legitimate for transitive societies, which, obviously, perceive the destruction of ancient traditions with concern and anxiety, and with them – the whole social order. In view of this, the purpose of our work is to identify the reasons that have led to the return of public attention to basically discriminatory patriarchal gender stereotypes and the respective revival of their social strategies. Methods. During the study of the sources the author used the analytical method, and a systematic method for systematization of the received information. General scientific principles of the unity of historical and logical, of historicism and objectivity were useful for the research. Results. The study has disclosed the postmodern worldview transformations and showed that the main cause of the ambivalent attitude towards gender initiatives launched by liberally oriented representatives of the Western European world has been the flexibility of all ideological principles and value orientations, which forces a person to constantly search for his/her own place in the world in the absence of a clear determined world-view strongholds. Originality. The article stressed that the disorientation of a person in a modern, changing world leads to the fact that the only and the most reliable source of self-determination of man are local values that produce the most significant cultural meanings, thus providing a reliable world-view basis at the level of everyday life, which, in the context of postmodern depreciation of universal ideals, becomes the most reliable and ideological and value-determined life world that destroys universal cosmopolitan ideals, among which the principle of gender equality is not in the last place. Conclusion. Consequently, modern resistance to gender initiatives is a response to the normative threat posed by socio-cultural transformations due to globalization and the liberalization of public life.

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