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Abstract. Introduction. The conceptual confusion in the modern intellectual discourse on understanding the content of mentality is largely determined by the fact that mentality is considered within the set of local history science, and on the other - the lack of an interdisciplinary approach to its comprehension. In spite of this, in today's intellectual discourse the intention to clearly formulate a single conceptual approach to mentality, as formed as a result of the historical development of the way of thinking and the psychological structure of the community, manifested through a set of images and representations, which appear as regulators of behavior as an individual, and social group, form a kind of group "code" that provides the difference of one social group from another. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the notion of "mentality" and the changes of Ukrainian mentality as a result of ХХth century social transformations. Results. It is emphasized that mentality should not be equated with a mindset that should be considered as generic memory, that is, a system of images, representations that are transmitted as a result of unconscious socialization, and determine the way of thinking, the "picture of the world" and the psychological state of the community. Originality. Taking as a basis the idea of the inextricable connection of the mindset with the collective memory of the community in the article, it is shown that cruel repressions and physical extermination of the most active part of Ukrainian society during the Soviet period were accompanied by stimulation of baldness, immorality and cynicism, which resulted in such traits in the Ukrainian mentality as adaptation, submissiveness, infantilism and mercantilism, which contributed to the establishment of "double morality". At the same time, with the formation of new mental characteristics, the Soviet ideology became a fruitful ground for the further development of anarchism inherent in Ukrainians, which manifested itself in opposition to power structures. Conclusion. Along with the above, it is emphasized that these changes were not of a total character, at least in view of the partial industrialization of agriculture, where the traditional values continued to be retained in secular form.

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