Соціальні інститути і мистецтво

Основное содержимое статьи

Микола Федоренко


Introduction. Theoretical analysis of the artistic and historical process is an important problem for aesthetics. Cultural analysis makes it possible to see the dependence of artistic structures on the socio-economic conditions of society, to understand the peculiarity of their phenomenological and ontological status. The social-historical context gives a certain specificity to the social forms of being of art, defines its internal structure. Art engages in the creation and operation of any form of culture. Purpose. The development of art is a necessary process of adapting society and culture to a situation that is conditioned by the causes of extracurricular significance. This situation forces us to reconstruct the picture of the development of art, created by classical aesthetics and formal art studies. The aim is to study the analysis of socio-cultural conditionality of art on the example of the creative work of Russian historian Vladimir Propp and British art historian Michael Baxandall. Results. According to V. Propa, the fairy tale must be correlated with the social institutions of the past and look for its origins in them. Thus, in particular, the fairy tale depicts somewhat different from modern forms of marriage.The forms of marriage in a fairy tale should be analyzed and found that arrangement, and the phase of social development, on which these forms are really available. Arguing that the fairy-tale must be correlated with historical reality, V. Propp sees in his fairy-tale not only the reflection of reality, but also the features of the archaic thinking. Baxandall explores the cultural context of Italian art of the 15th century. In particular, the aesthetic perception of a person of Italian Quattrocento is conditioned by religious institutions, peculiarities of economic activity. Conclusion. Forms of human sensuality are formed on the basis of certain cultural institutions. Thanks to our involvement in the common system of symbolic forms, which we call culture, it becomes possible to join the private system, which we call art and which in fact is only one of the spheres of culture. Therefore, the theory of art is at the same time a theory of culture, and not an independent discipline.

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Библиографические ссылки

Panchenko, V. I. (1986). Art in the Context of Culture. Kyiv: The International Financial Agency (in Ukr.)

Shulga, R. P. (2008). Art in the practices of culture. Socio-Cultural Essay. Kyiv: Institute of Sociology NASU (in Ukr.)

Propp, V. Ya. (1986). Historical roots of the fairy tale. Leningrad: LGU (in Russ.)

Baksendoll, Michael (2003). Patterns of intention. About the historical interpretation of paintings. Moscow: UniPrint (in Russ.)

Propp, V.Ya. (1976). Structural and historical study of a fairy tale. Folklore and reality, 132-152. Moscow: Science (in Russ.)

Propp, V. Ya. (1969). Morphology of the fairy tale. Moscow: Science (in Russ.)

Hirts, Clifford. Art as a cultural system. Retrived from: https://sociologica.hse.ru/data/2011/03/06 /1211606373/9_2_04.pdf (in Russ.)