Християнський соціалізм як об’єкт дослідження російської релігійно-філософської думки

Основное содержимое статьи

Олександр Романовський
Наталія Кругла


In the article certain principles of formation of the foundations of Christian socialism are considered, and extrapolation to the present is done. The categories analyzed are the social ideal, the social system, which can positively affect the life of society. The aim of the article is to study the content of the concept of social ideal in the Christian socialism. The author deals with society as a spiritual unity, which is subject to the laws of objectivity and authority. In the epoch of the crisis and historical changes recovery of the life must be recovery of the spirit popular organism. The philosophers of XIX – XX centuries had proposed the basics Christian values as a real background of individual and social life. Christian “Sophia” socialism is the concept trend searching for the way from Evil to Good. It was an opponent to Russian Marxism. Russian religious philosophers were opponent to Marxism, they selected the way of the prohibition of crime. They consider personal freedom as a base for creation of the meaning of life. The person has need in the reason and sense of the life. From the standpoint of the present, church reform, which was held at the beginning of the century, was definitely doomed to collapse. But this did not affect the views of Bulgakov, who was completely captured by the idea of spiritual and religious progress. And the events of that time, on my opinion, were hopes for him, only strengthened Bulgakov's optimism about the realization of the expected ideal.

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Библиографические ссылки

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