Основное содержимое статьи
Introduction. In the national philosophy there is a widespread conviction that philosophical science about society occupies a prominent place among other sections of philosophy and specific social sciences. However, in the domestic philosophy and sociology the philosophical science about society boils down to theoretical sociology, but in Western philosophy to sociology in general. So, the contradiction is self-evident. On the one hand, philosophical science about society plays an important role in the cognition, on the other hand, it has no scientific status. Purpose. The purpose of the article is, at first, determining the actual position and role of the philosophical science about society in the structure of philosophy and among specific social sciences, and secondly, finding the real name of philosophical science about society. Methods. In this study dialectical and comparative method were applied. Results. The article explores the actual position and functions of philosophical science about society in the structure of philosophy and in the system of relations with the social sciences. The connections are revealed between philosophical sciences and philosophical science about society. It was found the relationship between philosophical science about society, on the one hand, and specific social sciences, on the other hand. With the support of the laws of logic it is revealed the true and only possible name of philosophical science about society. Originality. It is proved that the philosophical science about society is an independent section of philosophy, which occupies the highest theoretical level, exists as the most complex philosophical science. The author proved that the true name of philosophical science about society there can be only one name – philosophy of society. Conclusion. The philosophy of society is an independent section of philosophy, but does not complement ontology, epistemology, anthropology, etc. Philosophy of society is in a complex correlation with non-philosophical social sciences. It does not merge and can not merge with sociology, does not equal to theoretical sociology, social history or social psychology. It’s real, actual and true name is only one name – the philosophy of society.
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Библиографические ссылки
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