Основное содержимое статьи
Introduction. The questions of the philosophical measuring of man and his world view in creative theological heritage of R. Guardini as a religious thinker are analyzed in the article. The purpose is to expose the nature and features of construction of cultural and historical space of personality in different historical epochs in German philosopher works. Methods. The synthesis of philosophical and religious pictures of the world gives an opportunity to analyze the features of contradictory nature of man and a sphere of his consciousness. A comparative method allowed to educe fundamental ontological divergences in the world view picture of the epochs of Antiquity and Middle ages. Results. Philosophical consideration of man by R. Guardini is unthinkable without immersion in theology and ontological context of analysis of questions about God, freedom, death, work and faith. Originality. A depth and plenitude of philosophical reflection of problem of man and his perception of the world must simultaneously form a religiousness in the consciousness of personality. Conclusion. All problems and questions of man and world must be examined in organic connection with taken seat to them in an ontological hierarchy of spiritual and earthly the worlds. R. Guardini connects the decision of question about cognition the essence and nature of a man and the world with a forming of the positive world view program of respectable existence of man and society
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Библиографические ссылки
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