Основное содержимое статьи

Yaroslav HNATIUK


Introduction. The article investigates the problem of possibility of history of philosophy as a theoretical discipline. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to argue that the history of philosophy as theoretical discipline is possible only under the conditions of logical and historical unity: the unity of dialectical logic and history of philosophy. The author notes that negation of possibility of constructing the dialectical logic as indispensable condition of being of history of philosophy, its theoretical and methodological base simultaneously is a negation of possibility of the history of philosophy. That’s why the main assignment of the article is the argumentation of modified version of dialectics by the means of functional dialectics. The functional dialectics as a kind of formalized dialectics is the dialectics of grammar form, propositional function and definitional specification, the double definitive specification of subject and predicate terms by propositional functions and grammatical form. Methods. The methods of solving that problem are the methods of formalization, functional analysis and rational reconstruction. Results. The result of investigation consists of an assertion that formalized dialectics as the functional dialectics can be constructed on the base of Aristotle’s formal logic, G. Frege’s predicate logic and H. Hegel’s dialectical logic which is correlated to such concepts as grammatical form, propositional function and definitional specification. And in return, this can ensure theoretical and methodological base for history of philosophy as a theoretical discipline. Originality. The originality of investigation is in creation the functional dialectics as а methodology of theory of history of philosophy and in possibility of comparing the functional dialectics as a version of formalized dialectics and modern theories of symbolic logic, initiation their dialogue. Conclusion. In this way, basing on the principle of logical and historical unity, history of philosophy as a theoretical discipline is possible under the condition of existence of dialectical logic as a system of philosophical logic. That’s why the teaching of functional dialectics as formalized dialectical logic should precede teaching a history of philosophy as the theoretical discipline.

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Библиографические ссылки

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