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Introduction. The article tackles the question of correlation between philosophy and digital ICTs (information and communication technologies), the transformation of human mind and self-perception by virtual reality and principal concepts of philosophy of information by Luciano Floridi which are being represented in his latest publication “The fourth revolution: How the infosphere is reshaping human reality” (2014) which are essential for the consideration in regards to the problematics mentioned above. The purpose of the article is to define the major characteristics of philosophy of information, to analyze the interrelation of Media studies and philosophy, to present a new understanding of philosophical discourse as a way out of the modern crisis of the humanities according to Luciano Floridi’s philosophy and to demarcate the ethical aspect of Floridi's philosophizing as a primordial one with handling digital information, identity theft, cyber war, computing devices and developing artificial intelligence. To achieve the aim mentioned above we apply the methods of comparative analysis, methods of the hermeneutic reconstruction and reinterpretation, analytical and synthetic methods. Based on the latest investigations and critical reviews it should be noted that since the postmodern era majority of thinkers were trying to create a new focus for philosophy through the proclamation of the last one as a worthless science that doesn’t solve human problems due to the excess of metaphysical and dogmatic theorizing, which  cannot produce a new knowledge. Luciano Floridi states that philosophy can be very helpful in Brave New Digital World but it has to change an old-fashioned approach to the most controversial and challenging problems nowadays, other words, it requires a total change in a way we apply our philosophical methods and methodology in developing theories and hypothesis, so contemporary philosophers can really make a progress in contributing valuable ideas to the general scientific picture of the world. It should be pointed out that a reason to combine philosophical research with ICTs turns out to be a fundamental attempt to redefine essence of philosophy in XXI century and give it a new life in the conditions of ongoing crisis. Conclusion. After reviewing the topics mentioned above it is necessary to stress that computer science and its technological applications influenced the world’s progress in social communication, media studies, cultural life and sphere of economy, in other words, a contemporary scientific picture of the world was transformed by ICTs. Humans are no longer the only smart agents able to carry out complex tasks according to Luciano Floridi interpretation. The time we are facing is an impulse for an upgrade of lifeless philosophy, it is an opportunity for modern thinkers to get occupied with leading roles in a digital era. Philosophy is capable to widen high-tech horizon and information ethics task is to prevent the major threats of digital exponential development. 

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Библиографические ссылки

Floridi, L (2014). The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Floridi, L (2017). Why Information Matters. The New Atlantis, 7, 7-16.

Floridi, L (2002). What is the Philosophy of Information? Metaphilosophy», 33, 123-145.

Floridi, L (2008). The method of levels of abstraction. Minds and Machines, 18/3, 303-329.

Floridi, L (1999). Information ethics: On the philosophical foundation of computer ethics. Ethics and Information Technology, 1, 33-52.