Основное содержимое статьи
The actualization of polar axiological vector in the new generation value priorities space and a problem of religious values consideration in the youth spiritual environment are embodied into the following crucial constants: 1) the religious part of a valued phenomenon has never disappeared from the area of scientific analysis and human interest, since spiritual factor has always been the basic one in the sphere of a person or society meaningful valued space; 2) the attitude to a religion obviously or non obviously shapes the spiritual and value culture details of a person; 3) the youth, as the embodiment of past experience and bearers of future culture, has always been in the focus of researches’ attention as the most vital social group. The priorities can be different, even alternative in their context and opposite in their sense; eternal and temporary; truth and false; real and illusory; clear and subconscious or rational ones. The religion does not exist without the human factor, it has lost its sense, context, role, display, etc. The community without religion has never occurred. Each person and each community appeals to a religious source. A religion in its intrinsic sense is an embodiment of some axiological knowledge, search for a transcendental phenomenon. The religious approach to the moral values contains the deep considering of life sense independently of a person realization sphere. To conclude, while considering the specific features of the modern youth religious values, the two main factors can be named that influence on their functioning: spontaneity and rationality. A person has always been in their interaction. This is the core of a personal existential choice, a man has a real right for freedom, existence, and obtains an opportunity to understand the responsibility for the self existence through internal law, the law of conscience.
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Библиографические ссылки
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