Основное содержимое статьи

Konstantin RAYHERT


Purpose. The study develops the critique of logical language, that is, the critique (in the misrepresented Kantian meaning) that is to investigate the basic foundations and prerequisites, questions and problems of a logical language. Results. The critique of logical language is to be a variety of the critique of philosophical language that is opposed to the philosophical critique of natural language practiced, as a rule, by analytic philosophy. The critique of philosophical language is not just a critique of the natural language used by philosophers but a critique of engineered languages including formalized (formal) languages, that is, logical and mathematical languages. The critique of logical language can be not only philosophical but anthropological, cognitive, communicative, historical, information, medialogical, psychological, semiotic, sociological critiques et cetera. An approach to the critique of logical language depends on the aspect of consideration of the critique. There are not many approaches to the critique of the logical language as a formal language: 1) the logical critique of the logical language as a formal language within which the critique of logical language is supplemented with metalogic, that is, a logical or a different formal metalanguage; 2) the system critique of the logical language as a formal language that emphasizes on the necessary role of a formal logical language in the formal system that uses that language; 3) the semiotic critique of the logical language as a formal language that studies that language as a system of signs. The semiotic critique of the logical language as a formal language in fact can be depictured by three critiques: 1) the syntactical critique of the logical language as a formal language that specializes in logical syntax; 2) the semantic critique of the logical language as a formal language that specializes in logical semantics; 3) the pragmatic critique of logical language. 

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Библиографические ссылки

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