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Introduction. Each historical epoch is a kind of world-view arena of struggle and confrontation of different types of world-views that shape the world outlook picture of world with their sensation of world, perception and understanding of it. The domination of a certain world outlook in one or another era predetermined the development or inhibition of society, its various fields. The world outlook centrism of historical epochs has always been the subject of philosophical research. However, until the XXI century, world outlook centrism was not considered in the context of the philosophy of technique. The purpose of the research is to identify the specifics of the medieval technique paradigm. The methodology of the research is based on, firstly, the paradigmatic approach to the historical epochal transformations of technique, secondly, the historical reconstruction, the isolation and explication of the medieval paradigm of technique, thirdly, the analysis of the medieval paradigm of technique as a model of comprehension and explanation of technique, its inclusion in the worldview picture of the world, fourthly, a functional approach, which allowed to reveal inextricable link between the constitution and the functioning of technique in the Middle Ages and ideological universals of this era. The main intention in the research of the paradigm transformation of technique in the Middle Ages – to link the history of technique with worldview changes that occurred in the history of mankind, to give the history of technique more humane features. Results. It was established that the philosophical explanation of technique was Christian religious interpretation as an imitation of the artisan of God-creator. The prototype and model of the thing is the divine idea that the artisan embodies through technical activity. Craftsmanship is the continuation and completion of the act of God. The artisan only copies the divine forms, embodying them in material things. Originality. Scientific novelty consists in a paradigmatic approach to the historical transformations of technique and research of technique within the framework of the medieval worldview picture of the world. Conclusion. It is proved that the peculiarity of the medieval technique paradigm is due to the domination of the religious worldview. Accordingly, the technical activity was carried out not in rationalist forms, but in the framework of the Christian-oriented worldview, where the main universals were creationism, theocentrism, providentialism and divine revelationism. 

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Библиографические ссылки

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